
When Writing The Story Of Your Life Don't Let Anyone Else Hold The Pen

Quote Of The Day:

positive quotes, your life quote, story of your life quote, meaning of quotes, self improvement quotes

Here you go with today's Quote Of The Day:

"While Writing The Story Of Your Life, Don't Let Anyone Else Hold The Pen"

What the quote says is pretty simple and I wonder if I need to make a post on it at all. But as a tradition, we try and analyze what these little shards mean and how they can be used to make a good impact to our lives.

All through our lives, we have been influenced by people, society, books we read, the television shows, our parents and what not. Each one of them makes a sizeable impact on what we think and how we react and how we plan our lives. But I am not really sure how strong the cultural aspect or the cultural tuning is but we sure let others have a lot of say in what we do and what we should do.

A couple of weeks ago we were talking about The 6 Kinds Of People Who Advice You and whose advice we should take or not.  All along, we profess one simple thing – TRUST NONE! – No matter how close they are, no matter how much they mean to you and no matter how much you respect them, it still is not a good enough reason to trust someone else the decisions about your life.

The reason us pretty simple – the moment you let someone else take the decision for your life – it becomes their decision, their thoughts and their influence. They might be looking out for you, meaning well and even want the best out of life for you. But tell me truly – who knows what's best for you? Who knows you better than yourself?

The moment you give that decision making power to someone else – what do they do? They take a decision to the best of THIER KNOWLEDGE – not your situation, not your expectations nor your capacities. They are responding to their aspirations, their insecurities and their experience with life. If you are an adventure seeker – there is no way you can trust that decision with a conservative person and vice versa. The world is set out at creating a ONE SIZE FITS ALL solution.

But that's never going to happen is it? I mean this is your life -you are creating a story for yourself. No matter how crappy or beautiful it is, it still is your story and you own it completely. You can't let someone else take that decision for you and point fingers at them when something goes wrong. That's what failures do and you are not one among them. You got to take responsibility for your actions. And that is never going to happen if that action is based on the decision and thought of someone else. If you want to make a difference, – then have the guts to stand for it. If you don't have it, then borrow it from someone or something else.

But never let someone else decide what's best for you. It is YOUR LIFE! And You know what you want out of it best!

So this was our quote of the day, for more, stay tuned in to our thought for the day section

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When Writing The Story Of Your Life Don't Let Anyone Else Hold The Pen


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