
What Animals Sleep The Longest After Sex?

  • Journal List
  • Sci Adv
  • v.5(2); 2019 Feb
  • PMC6382397

Sci Adv. 2019 Feb; 5(2): eaau9253.

Most sleep does not serve a vital function: Evidence from Drosophila melanogaster

Received 2018 Jul 27; Accepted 2019 Jan 10.

Supplementary Materials

GUID: 8AA9512B-14F4-411B-9226-8C0E0F58C627

GUID: 465A68BB-2991-4B09-8DB6-EF2E1C6F92E4

GUID: 69CCA34D-3E97-4FFF-94F0-08C91F1B537E

GUID: 5099C546-934F-467C-8CC5-7D773428D291

Supplementary material for this commodity is available at

Fig. S1. Representative tracings of the behavioral activity over the form of 48 hours equally recorded in real fourth dimension by ethoscopes for all 881 female person flies shown in Fig. 1A.

Fig. S2. Sorted hierarchical cluster assay based on pairwise altitude, as supplement to Fig. 3.

Fig. S3. Decrease in locomotion activeness in sleep-deprived flies over time, a possible sign of physical fatigue.

Fig. S4. Circadian rhythm, and non homeostatic bulldoze, is the major contributor to sleep pressure during long-term slumber deprivation.

Movie S1. Visual representation of the distribution of behavioral features across 24 hours in the dataset shown in Figs. i (A and B) and 2.


Sleep appears to be a universally conserved phenomenon amidst the animate being kingdom, but whether this notable evolutionary conservation underlies a basic vital office is still an open question. Using a machine learning–based video-tracking technology, we conducted a detailed loftier-throughput analysis of sleep in the fruit wing Drosophila melanogaster, coupled with a lifelong chronic and specific sleep restriction. Our results show that some wild-type flies are virtually sleepless in baseline conditions and that complete, forced sleep restriction is non necessarily a lethal treatment in wild-type D. melanogaster. We also prove that cyclic drive, and not homeostatic regulation, is the main contributor to sleep pressure level in flies. These results offer a new perspective on the biological role of sleep in Drosophila and, potentially, in other species.


It is widely speculated that sleep serves a fundamental biological need, an idea derived from three distinct lines of evidence: (i) Sleep is a universally conserved phenomenon beyond evolution, (ii) chronic slumber restriction is frequently associated to expiry, and (iii) a sleepless animal has never been found [all reviewed in (i4)].

The first of these three aspects—the striking evolutionary conservation of sleep—constitutes an important conundrum for scientists, but lone cannot be taken equally proof that sleep plays a vital role. Circadian rhythms, for instance, are also universally conserved, ultimately providing a clear evolutionary advantage, but they are not intrinsically vital to the individual given that animals tin can survive without a functional internal clock (5, 6).

The fundamental question therefore is: "Tin can an animal survive without sleep?"

The written report of chronic slumber deprivation could, at least in principle, address this challenge. Unfortunately, the literature on the chronic effects of sleep restriction is not comprehensive, partly dated, and intrinsically complicated past the many misreckoning factors that correlate with sleep restriction. To appointment, experiments addressing this question have been reported in a handful of species only: dogs [reviewed in (7)], rats [reviewed in (8)], cockroaches (9), pigeons (10), and fruit flies (eleven). In four of the five tested animal species, sleep deprivation experiments eventually terminated with the premature expiry of the animals, but the underlying cause of lethality notwithstanding remains unknown. In rats and canis familiaris pups, expiry is associated with a severe systemic syndrome bearing important metabolic changes and clear signs of suffering, making it difficult to ultimately conclude whether lethality is caused by the mere removal of sleep or rather past the very invasive and stressful procedures used to go along the animals awake (7, 12, 13). In the cockroach Diploptera punctata, sleep deprivation was achieved past continuously startling the animals (9), without, nevertheless, accounting for exhaustion-induced stress, a known lethal factor for other species of cockroaches (1416). The observations in Drosophila are express in terms of throughput and methodology (xi). In pigeons, chronic slumber deprivation was shown not to be lethal (10). In determination, chronic sleep impecuniousness experiments announced suggestive, but inconclusive, for multiple reasons.

The third line of evidence supporting the hypothesis that sleep serves a cardinal biological demand is possibly the strongest and concerns the fact that sleepless individuals could never be identified, neither in nature nor through artificial laboratory screenings. We know that some species, such as elephants (17) or giraffes (xviii), have evolved to cope with express amount of sleep and several genetic mutations, conferring that curt-sleeping phenotypes in flies, rodents, and humans have been characterized in the past two decades [reviewed in (xix)]; some animals are also able to forego sleep for days or weeks in detail ecological conditions (17, 2023), merely the identification of a constantly sleepless animate being can be considered a holy grail of the field.

Given that nosotros still ignore what slumber does at the cell biological level, in all animals slumber quantification relies exclusively on bona fide macroscopic correlates, either electrophysiological or behavioral. Therefore, a technological development able to improve the label of these correlates may provide a more accurate description of sleep, laying the atmospheric condition for a more specific sleep deprivation procedure. To this finish, we recently created a arrangement that allows a true-blue high-throughput analysis and manipulation of Drosophila sleep using activity as its behavioral correlate [ethoscopes (24)]. Here, nosotros report two surprising findings that were uncovered using this system, challenging the notion that sleep is a vital necessity: the discovery of virtually sleepless flies and the finding that chronic sleep restriction in Drosophila melanogaster has notably less pronounced effects on longevity than previously thought.


Nigh sleepless flies are found in a nonmutant population

Prolonged periods of inactivity are an evolutionarily conserved, experimentally convenient behavioral correlate of slumber (25). Absenteeism of motility is therefore routinely used as a proxy to mensurate sleep across a wide range of animals, spanning from jellyfish to elephants (17, 26, 27). In Drosophila too, sleep can be estimated by measuring the absence of walking bouts, generally using a commercially bachelor device to detect whenever an isolated wing crosses the midline of a tube (28). This system, nonetheless, provides only limited spatial resolution that—unsurprisingly—results in an overestimation of sleep amounts (29). A growing number of laboratories are therefore transitioning to more accurate systems based on computer-assisted video tracking (2933). To further amend our confidence in sleep interpretation, we recently introduced a machine learning approach that uses supervised learning to observe not only walking activeness only too micromovements (for instance, in-place movements such as preparation, egg laying, and feeding) (24). How much do flies actually sleep when, besides their walking activity, we mensurate their micromovements as well? To answer this question, nosotros analyzed sleep for iv consecutive days in 881 female person (Fig. 1A) and 485 male person (Fig. 1B) CantonS flies, a commonly used laboratory "wild-type" strain. As expected, in both males and females, sleep amounts were widely distributed, with male flies sleeping for 618.5 (CI95%, to 630.3) min a 24-hour interval and female flies sleeping for 299.2 (CI95%, 288.eight to 309.6) min a mean solar day [mean (95% bootstrap confidence interval)]. The distribution of sleep corporeality in females uncovered a previously undescribed fraction of extreme short sleepers: fifty% of female flies slept less than 20% of their fourth dimension and 6% slept for less than 5% of their time (72 min a day). At the very end of the curve laid iii flies that spontaneously slept an average of fifteen, 14, and four min a twenty-four hour period, respectively (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). In both males and females, sleep amount is an endogenous feature: When flies are transferred into a novel environment (i.due east., a fresh tube in a novel ethoscope inside a different incubator), their sleep amount remains mostly like to their past sleep (R two = 0.77; CI95%, 0.73 to 0.81; Fig. 1C).

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Great variability in sleep amounts in a nonmutant population of D. melanogaster.

Descending sorted distribution of sleep amount (A) in a grouping of 881 female CantonS flies and (B) in a grouping of 485 male CantonS flies. In both panels, the left graph shows sleep amount for each individual wing over a period of 5 days in bouts of thirty min [legend in (A)]. The right graph indicates the boilerplate sleep amount in 24 hours for female [pink in (A) and the residue of the figures] and male [cyan in (B) and the residuum of the figures] flies. The xix female animals whose sleep is highlighted in ruby are the ones for which raw video sample is available at the ZENODO repository (37). (C) Average slumber amount measured in a tube predicts sleep corporeality measured in a unlike tube. Average of vi days for both, with i day in between (northward male = 242 and n female person = 242).

Micromovements explain the short-sleeping phenotype

Curt-sleeping flies take been identified in the past, either through experimental selection (34, 35) or through selected mutagenesis (36), but flies (and, in fact, animals) sleeping as little as few minutes a day were never identified before. To ostend the validity of our results, we reviewed the positional tracings of all 881 female flies in the dataset (fig. S1) and caused and reviewed videos for nineteen flies with representative sleep amounts ranging from 823 to 42 min a day to compare the tracking record at the unmarried fly level [nighttime red lines in Fig. 1A; raw whole videos are available at (37)]. Manual inspection (fig. S1) and quantitative assay (Fig. ii) confirmed that the activity repertoire oscillates in a stereotyped, sexually dimorphic manner (Fig. 2A), with micromovements being mostly present in females [Fig. 2B—in females, 623.iv (CI95%, 615.three to 631.4) min a day had at to the lowest degree 1 micromovement episode, while in males 411.4 (CI95%, 404.2 to 418.eight) min did]. As expected, micromovements (Fig. 2B) and movements that practise not bridge the entire tube length (fig. S1) are responsible for the quantitative difference in sleep analysis between recording platforms (Fig. 2C). Female micromovements and quiescence are spatially (Fig. 2D) and, to a certain extent, temporally (Fig. 2A) exclusive: 37.3% (CI95%, 36.9 to of the micromovements happen at nighttime (ZT12 to ZT21), of which 51.3% (CI95%, 50.3 to 52.two) within 4 mm from the food (Fig. ii, A and D, respectively, greenish). In brusque, expanding on previously reported findings (38, 39), micromovements in females are concentrated to those times of the day when flies are known to increase feeding activity (i.e., during mid-day and in the early phase of the night), generally located past the food and away from the preferred site for quiescence (pic S1 and Fig. 2), suggesting that the micromovements observed in female flies are non a sleeping-related beliefs but a feeding-related behavior.

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Micromovements account for the newly described brusque-sleeping phenotype.

(A) Average occurrence of behavior over the 24-60 minutes menstruation in male (top) and female (bottom) CantonS flies. (B) Slumber amount for each individual male (cyan) and female (pink) fly plotted as computed with ethoscopes (y axis) and with virtual Drosophila Activity Monitor (vDAM) assay (x axis) (31). The size of each dot represents the boilerplate amount of micromovements observed over the 24-60 minutes period. (C) Average sleep amount over the 24-h menstruation in male person and female person flies, plotted as computed with ethoscopes (continuous lines) or virtual DAM analysis (dashed lines). (D) Average positional distribution of behaviors for male person (left) and female (right) flies over the 24-hour catamenia, broken into the iii behavioral states identified by ethoscopes. (E) Four-dimensional representation of behavioral transitions over the 24-60 minutes period. Grayness shades indicate the dark period (ZT12 to ZT24), while red shades betoken the light menses (ZT0 to ZT12). Aforementioned dataset shown in Fig. 1 (A and B).

Qualitatively different types of short-sleeping females

High-throughput ethoscope analysis allowed u.s.a. to identify wild-type female flies that sleep as piddling as few minutes a twenty-four hours (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Could this be a peculiarity of some virgin flies, hence an ethological laboratory artefact? In Drosophila, mating status is known to exist interim as a major behavioral switch (forty) that modifies, among other behaviors, the animals' dietary preference (38, 41) and their preference for feeding time (42). Even so, reaching sexual maturity only few hours afterwards ecdysis, virgin female flies are likely to be a rare occurrence in the wild (43, 44). To test how sleep changes with mating status, we recorded sleep in female flies before and afterwards a successful (green) or unsuccessful (gray) mating consequence (Fig. 3A). In newly mated females, sleep dramatically decreased for at least three sequent days [Fig. 3A—in the outset full day after mating, lowering from 383.ii (CI95%, 363.4 to 404.9) to 175.3 (CI95%, 153.0 to 200.2) min a solar day], correlating with a major change in the positional preference of the animals toward the food (Fig. 3B). This modify in positional preference (Fig. 3B) and the stiff increase in micromovements (Fig. 3C) are likely to represent an increase in food intake and egg-laying activity and may explain why such a strong turn down in sleep corporeality was never identified using different tools (29, 45, 46). Four-dimensional behavioral fingerprinting showed that the short-sleeping phenotype observed upon mating is qualitatively different from the ane observed as natural variation in the CantonS population (Fig. three, C and D, and fig. S2).

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Mating reduces sleep amount.

(A) Sleep contour of all the female flies used in the mating experiment: green, flies that underwent successful mating outcome (north = 86); greyness, flies that met a male but did not appoint in copulation (n = 152). The light blue vertical shade indicates the timing of the mating event. (B) Average position along the tube of the same flies shown in (A) in 30-min bins. (C) 4-dimensional representation of behavioral transitions over the 24-hr period for nonmated flies (gray background), mated flies (green background), and naturally curt-sleeping unmated flies (pink background; same dataset highlighted in gray in Fig. 1A). (D) Hierarchical clustering based on pairwise altitude, in the time-behavior domain, of the same three cohorts shown in (C).

Prolonged sleep deprivation has petty or any lethal consequences

The experiments described so far unveiled that a fraction of female person flies necessitate little sleep, with some being almost completely sleepless. Is sleeplessness a peculiarity of a few special individuals, or can whatever fruit fly cope with little or no sleep? To answer this question, we conducted a lifelong sleep impecuniousness experiment using a closed-loop slumber deprivation device able to interact with single animals past triggering a tube rotation after a predefined period of immobility (24), a organisation created to minimize the extent of disturbance and conceptually inspired by the disc-over-water appliance adult by the Rechtschaffen laboratory (8), in which a rat receives a waking physical challenge but when it is factually comatose but is left undisturbed otherwise. In our setup, flies were housed in individual tubes and each tube experienced a 1-s rotation at the gauge speed of 300 rpm whenever the animal housed inside had shown xx s of continuous immobility (24). The treatment led to a highly efficient sleep deprivation, with flies losing, on average, 95.6% (CI95%, 93.five to 98.2) of their sleep (Fig. 4A), and nonetheless, surprisingly, nosotros could non detect whatsoever major effect on survival (Fig. 4, B and C). In item, sleep-deprived male flies lived as long as the control group [with a median of 41.v (CI95%, 38.0 to 44.0) days confronting 46.0 (CI95%, 41.0 to 48.v) days for the controls], and a statistically relevant issue was only evident in female flies, with a reduction of median life span of 3.5 days [37.five (CI95%, 33.0 to 38.5) and 41.0 (CI95%, 38.v to 44.0)]. In flies, forced sleep brake has piddling or no consequences on life span when performed in a controlled, specific manner. Given the variability of sleep inside our wild-type population (Fig. i, A and B), we also wondered whether sleep amount in an individual fly could predict its life bridge. We performed a linear regression (see Materials and Methods) and found no overall effect, neither in males [+1.05 days of life per hour of sleep a twenty-four hour period (CI95%, −0.08 to i.91); Fig. 4D, cyan] nor in females [+0.41 days of life per 60 minutes of slumber a mean solar day (CI95%, −0.51 to i.55); Fig. 4D, pink] (overall R ii = 0.12). That is, as previously suggested (34), we confirm here that spontaneous short sleepers do non die faster and, conversely, loftier sleepers do not tend to alive longer.

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Chronic mechanical sleep impecuniousness is largely non lethal in D. melanogaster.

(A) Lifelong slumber restriction in male person (summit) or female (lesser) CantonS flies subjected to mechanical slumber impecuniousness triggered by a 20-s inactivity bout. (B) Survival curve for male (cyan) or (C) female person (pinkish) slumber-deprived flies and their sex-matched undisturbed mock control [grey in both (B) and (C)]. Sleep measurements become noisier as the number of flies decreases. n = 38 to 40 for all four groups. (D) Linear regression assay in search of a correlation between sleep corporeality (10 axis) and life span (y axis) in individual undisturbed female person (pink) and male (cyan) flies. Same dataset as the gray flies in (A) and (B).

Sleep rebound after sleep deprivation only partly correlates with sleep loss

If nigh (all?) sleep does non serve a direct and immediate vital part, do we demand to rethink the electric current prevailing concept of sleep homeostasis? Is sleep rebound truly a way to make upwards for a loss of an otherwise impaired biological procedure, or is it—totally or in part—a phenomenon evolved to guarantee that a abiding, largely species-specific amount of sleep is met (47, 48)? To explore this dichotomy, we analyzed how different treatments of sleep deprivation would impact sleep rebound. To kickoff, nosotros conducted an acute sleep deprivation experiment on a total of 818 male person (Fig. v, A to D) and 992 female (Fig. 5, E to H) CantonS flies, with a comprehensive range of immobility triggers spanning from 20 to 1000 s, to deprive flies of sleep episodes of specific length. As expected, the total amount of slumber lost during the 12 hours of deprivation positively correlated with the length of the immobility trigger adopted (Fig. 5, B and F), while the number of stimuli delivered was inversely correlated (Fig. 5, C and K). In all cases, we could observe a statistically significant sleep rebound in the first 3 hours following the sleep deprivation, also when the sleep loss was not statistically dissimilar from command (840- and 1000-due south inactivity triggers; Fig. 5F). In particular, depriving female person flies of only the longest sleep episodes (≥1000 s) still led to a significant sleep rebound the subsequent morning (i.e., the first 3 hours afterwards slumber deprivation), although flies experienced, on average, just 5.8 (CI95%, 4.viii to half-dozen.8) tube rotations per night.

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Slumber rebound is not linearly proportional to slumber loss.

(A and E) Sleep contour for the entire dataset: 818 male (A to D) and 912 female (East to H) CantonS flies. (B and F) Sleep (cyan and pinkish dots and black markers) or immobility (gray markers) for the entire dataset spanning 10 unlike immobility interval triggers (twenty to 1000 s). Control flies were never actively stimulated but laid adjacently to the experimental flies. (C and Yard) Number of tube rotations triggered past immobility bouts. (D and H) Corporeality of rebound slumber in the ZT0 to ZT3 interval following the slumber impecuniousness for the entire dataset.

The information shown so far point that the increase in sleep force per unit area that drives rebound subsequently slumber deprivation is not linearly correlated with the amount of sleep lost over the length of one night, just how do flies react to prolonged sleep restriction spanning multiple days? To reply this question, we conducted a "Randy Gardner"–like experiment (49), in which nosotros subjected flies to 228 hours (9.5 days) of uninterrupted sleep deprivation, using a twenty-s immobility trigger as waking consequence (Fig. six). The experiment was conducted in both male person and female flies, using mock control individuals in adjacent tubes, for a total of 377 animals. Even after almost 10 days of chronic slumber deprivation, male person flies manifested a sleep rebound that was not dissimilar from the rebound observed later on one night of acute sleep restriction (compare Fig. 6C to Fig. 5A). While in male flies rebound sleep was again express to the outset 3 hours of the rebound solar day (Fig. 6, A and C), in female flies the observed sleep rebound was quantitatively small-scale but protracted in fourth dimension for the subsequent 3 days at least (Fig. 6, B and D). As expected, walking activity in these animals was increased by the persistent stimulation, with a stark increase in walked altitude at the outset of the treatment slowly decreasing with time, mayhap due to fatigue (fig. S3). Because the tube rotations were triggered past immobility, we could utilize the number of rotations (Fig. 6E, dashed lines) as proxy for endogenous sleep force per unit area sleep-deprived (pinkish and cyan) flies. In both male and female flies, the main changes in slumber pressure were cycling in a circadian fashion, with the clock-regulated bouts of activity still showing no sign of subsidence, despite the long sleep deprivation (Fig. 6E, solid lines). That is, even after days of continuous sleep impecuniousness, flies were spontaneously very active at dusk and dawn and inappreciably any stimulation was needed at those times to keep them awake (Fig. 6E), suggesting that when the circadian clock commands activity, the flies are active also afterwards days and days of cumulated sleep pressure level. Analyzing the seasonal decomposition of rotations over the ix.5 days of slumber deprivation, we ended that simply a pocket-sized amount of the variance in sleep pressure could be explained past the long-range trend in sleep impecuniousness (21% in males and 11% in females; Fig. 6F), while the chief contributor of slumber force per unit area was instead circadian periodicity (69% in males and 61% in females; Fig. 6F, continuous lines). To analyze changes in the molecular correlates of sleep pressure level, we used the CaLexA organisation (fifty) to gauge the neuronal activity of the R2 neurons of the ellipsoid body later on 0.five, five.5, and 9.5 days of chronic slumber deprivation (Fig. 6G). At all three time points, we observed an increase in bona fide R2 activity in both male and female flies to an extent similar to what was previously reported (xx, 51), with sleep-deprived flies showing a two- to fourfold increase when compared to their age-matched controls (Fig. 6G). To further confirm the role of a operation circadian clock in regulating sleep pressure during prolonged sleep deprivation, we subjected Clk Jrk mutant flies to prolonged slumber deprivation (fig. S4). Overall sleep pressure, every bit measured through the number of induced tube rotations (fig. S4, C and D), was decreased in Clk mutant animals, and importantly, complete removal of whatever environmental zeitgeber obtained rearing Clk Jrk flies in a constant dark environment resulted in no oscillation in the number of tube rotations forth the twenty-four hours (fig. S4D). These information, taken together, signal that the chief stimulus to residue in flies is driven by the circadian clock.

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Sleep pressure is largely under the control of the circadian rhythm.

(A and B) Sleep contour for male (A, cyan) and female (B, pink) CantonS flies during the length of the experiment compared with their sex-matched undisturbed mock controls (gray in both). Day 0 marks the beginning of the chronic sleep impecuniousness process, lasting 228 hours (indicated by a royal shade on acme). The light-green shade indicates the rebound solar day blown up in (C) and (D). The three yellow shades marker the timings called for the CaLexA quantifications shown in (One thousand). (C and D) Magnification of sleep impecuniousness to rebound transition. (C′ and D′) Quantification of slumber corporeality during ZT0 to ZT3 of rebound day. (Eastward) Moving activity of flies (continuous lines) and number of rotations over the average 24-hour period (dashed lines). Moving activity combines both walking and micromoving. (F) Boilerplate number of tube rotations over the length of the sleep deprivation experiment (dashed lines) or seasonal trend (continuous lines; see Materials and Methods for details). due north = 93 to 95 for all iv groups. (G) Quantification of CaLexA-dependent green fluorescent poly peptide (GFP) levels in the subregion of the ellipsoid bodies labeled by the expression of the R30G03 commuter after 0.5, 5.5, and 9.5 days. Ns are indicated in the console. a.u., arbitrary units.


The idea that sleep fulfills a vital biological demand—we initially argued—relies on one key question: Can we find an animal able to survive without slumber? Co-ordinate to the data presented here, the answer could be "yes." In wild-type D. melanogaster, the need for sleep is not a vital necessity and lack of sleep—either endogenously driven (Fig. 1) or artificially imposed (Figs. 4 and 6)—is uniform with life. The utmost conceptual importance of these findings commands caution, and caveats must be critically examined.

First, it is important to converge on the definition of slumber as a nonvital necessity. In all animals studied so far, sleep impecuniousness is associated with severe physiological and cerebral decline. Information technology remains plausible that, in a less "forgiving" surroundings in which flies experience predation and contest, sleep deprivation could end up beingness a lethal handling in the same way sleep deprivation may get a lethal treatment to a man conducting a motor vehicle. Using an analogy, a wingless fly would certainly have normal life bridge in the laboratory but probably not in the wild. On this line, 1 could argue that sleep is an evolutionary, but not physiologically, vital miracle.

Second, we cannot rule out that, in our sleep deprivation experiments, flies still experience enough slumber to satisfy a hypothetical vital need. That is, prolonged or consolidated sleep is non a vital necessity but micro-intervals of sleep that last only few seconds at the fourth dimension may be sufficient to satisfy any bones biological demand that sleep may serve. The concept that micro-episodes of sleep business relationship for whichever vital biological part comes with the caveat that microsleep reductionism asymptotically converges toward a tautology.

Our results uncover an interesting sexual dimorphism in terms of natural sleep need and in terms of response to sleep deprivation: While female flies are able to cope with much less sleep in baseline atmospheric condition, they are more sensitive to slumber deprivation, with an extended rebound upon long sleep brake (Fig. 6, B and D) and a moderate simply significant result on lethality upon lifelong sleep deprivation (Fig. 4). This sexual dichotomy may be instrumental in the futurity to dissect the difference between different slumber functions, confirming that flies are an excellent model to report the role of sleep, not just its correlates. One interesting attribute of this dimorphism that remains to be explored is the source of variability in sleep amount. Given that individual flies appear to retain an unchanged sleep profile under unlike environmental conditions (Fig. 1C), information technology is rubber to assume that this variability is somehow internally driven, for instance, through uncontrolled genetic variability or stochastic developmental variability. Previous studies on isogenic lines reached similar conclusions (34, 35), and the topic remains to exist explored.

At first sight, the results presented here appear to exist clashing with some of the existing knowledge. In our view, they command, instead, for a thorough review of existing sleep impecuniousness literature. The experiments of chronic sleep deprivation performed in dog pups at the end of the 1800s are universally considered too primitive to exist trustworthy and likewise unethically stressful to be reproducible in modern times (7). The early Drosophila experiments were too preliminary to depict a whole picture show (11). Other lines of enquiry take likewise shown no correlation betwixt slumber loss and survival in flies: Loss of the insomniac (52) or fumin (36) genes leads to strong slumber restriction that is yet compatible with life. Besides, artificially selected short-sleeping fruit flies take unaltered longevity (34). With flies joining pigeons in the list of animals surviving chronic sleep deprivation, the only solid evidence in favor of lethality upon sleep deprivation lies with the chronic slumber deprivation in rats using the disc-over-h2o system. Those experiments, however, were not free of confounding factors, and 1 cannot exclude a stress or metabolic component, given that animals were thrown into h2o upwardly to hundreds of times a mean solar day (13). In humans, for obvious upstanding reasons, we have no experimental evidence that prolonged slumber deprivation is incompatible with life. A human prion affliction, fatal familial insomnia (FFI), is sometimes brought equally prove of a vital function of sleep, yet begetting likewise many confounding factors, considering the devastating nature of the pathology (53). Transmitted (54) and transgenic mouse models (55) of FFI reproduce clear signs of neurodegeneration and premature death, but non sleeplessness, suggesting that, in humans, insomnia is a symptom of the affliction merely not necessarily the cause of death (56). In determination, we believe that our results imply that sleep does not serve a unique, evolutionarily conserved function, only it is rather the combination of dissimilar biological and evolutionary drives. At the aforementioned time, they ostend that Drosophila is an splendid model to endeavour a transition from the study of sleep correlates to the study of sleep functions.


Fly stocks and rearing conditions

Flies were raised under a 12-hour light/12-hour dark (LD) regimen at 25°C on standard corn and yeast media. CantonS flies from R. Stanewsky (Academy of Münster, Germany) were used as wild-blazon flies, and Clk Jr.k flies (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre #24515) (57) were used as a clock mutant. To estimate the activity on the R2 neurons of the ellipsoid trunk, nosotros used the R30G03-GAL4 (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #49646) (51) strain in combination with CaLexA (50). All analyzed animals were socially naïve, unless otherwise stated.

Neuronal action in the R2 neurons of the ellipsoid trunk: CaLexA measurements

Animals were grown and treated in the aforementioned conditions as in behavioral experiments. Afterward a slumber deprivation of 0.v, 5.5, or ix.5 days, animals were anesthetized on water ice, and brains were dissected in phosphate buffer and fixed with four% paraformaldehyde, as previously described (58). For the quantification of green fluorescent protein (GFP), wing brains were labeled with anti-GFP (one:300; ab290, Abcam). Images were taken under ×400 magnification using a Leica SP8 inverted scanning confocal microscope in the Facility for Imaging past Light Microscopy (FILM), Imperial College London. Data were analyzed using Republic of the fiji islands/ImageJ (59). The measurement of indicate intensities was performed as previously described (20).

Behavioral experiments

For all experiments, 7- to 8-24-hour interval-old pupae were sorted into drinking glass tubes [lxx mm × 5 mm × 3 mm (length × external diameter × internal diameter)] containing the same food used for rearing. Afterwards eclosion, animals were sorted according to their sex, and and then the tubes were loaded into ethoscope "sleep arenas" (20 animals per device) (24). Three days of baseline were recorded before any treatment. All experiments were carried out nether LD conditions (50 to 70% humidity) in incubators prepare at 25°C and with advert libitum access to regular nutrient. Animals that died during the experiment were excluded from the analysis, except for the longevity experiments.

To evaluate the effect of mating on sleep (Fig. 3), a naïve male was introduced in the tube of each naive female person and allowed to interact for 2 hours from ZT06 to ZT08 (zeitgeber time). After the interaction, males were removed and the activity profile of the females was recorded for some other 3.5 days. The short duration of the interaction and the restrictive space of the drinking glass tube reduce the probability of mating, and just about 50% of the flies underwent successful mating. This setup provides the two necessary groups: mated females and females that were courted but not mated. Effective mating was scored as the presence of larvae in the nutrient 4 days after the interaction.

The "rotational module" of the ethoscope platform was used to perform the 12-hr dynamic sleep deprivation treatments shown in Fig. 5. Different durations of immobility were used to trigger the rotation of the tube, as listed in the figure (from x to 1000 south).

The furnishings of long-lasting dynamic sleep impecuniousness shown in Figs. four and 6 were tested using the "optomotor module," programmed with a twenty-south immobility trigger. Once a week, flies were transferred to a fresh tube to ensure practiced quality food during the entire experiment. For the experiment shown in Fig. 1C, the behavior of both males and females was recorded for 7 days and then transferred to fresh tubes and recorded for another 7 days. To avert misreckoning effects related to the location of the tube on sleep amount (east.g., an ethoscope and incubator), the new position of all the tubes was systematically interspersed (lx). Namely, low and loftier sleepers from the same experiment and sex were paired as neighbors in a new arena, and their behavior was recorded for another calendar week. Comparing was between days 2 to 7 and days eight to xiii, ignoring the first day and the day after the alter of tube. For the experiment shown in Fig. iv, one time a week, flies were transferred to a fresh tube to ensure proficient quality food during the unabridged experiment. For the experiment shown in Fig. vi, sleep deprivation was stopped later 9.5 days of handling, and animals were allowed to recover for iii days in the ethoscopes at 25°C to measure slumber rebound.

Behavioral scoring

Immobility was scored past thresholding maximal velocity on 10-s epochs, equally previously described (24). Sleep was computed using the so-called 5-min rule, according to which all immobility bouts longer than 300 s were counted as sleep bouts (including the beginning 300 s). During mechanical sleep deprivation, velocity measurements subsequent to stimuli were masked to avoid fake positive of wing movement (24). Specifically, data in the six south post-obit the onset of each rotation were not considered for sleep scoring. Sleep rebound shown in Fig. 5 (D and H) was expressed equally the difference between the sleep corporeality measured during rebound and the expected sleep amount. Expected sleep amounts were inferred past a linear regression between the reference baseline slumber and sleep during the rebound menstruum in the relevant control population. Formally, the homoeostatic rebound H i of an individual i was expressed as

where R ^ is the predicted sleep after treatment (ZT ∈ [0, 3]), R is the measured sleep later on handling (ZT ∈ [0, 3]), B is the measured slumber before treatment (ZT ∈ [0, iii]), and α and β are the coefficients of the linear regression R C = α + βB C on the control group C.

Behavioral country ("quiescence," "micromovement," and "walking") was defined for each consecutive minute of behavior (B) according to the following rule

B = { quiescence , micromovement , walking , if V max < T five i if Σ i | X i X i i | otherwise < T d


where V max is the maximum velocity, T v is the validated threshold under which immobility is scored, X is the position forth the tube, and T d is a threshold of xv mm on the distance moved above which walking is scored. T d was defined empirically on the ground of the observation of a bimodal distribution of the full altitude moved in a infinitesimal.

Because of the different amounts of food and cotton wool in each tube, the space available inside each experimental tube may be slightly different between individual animals. To compare the position of flies with respect to the boundary of their respective experimental environments, the animal longitudinal position was expressed relatively to the food (position = 0) and the cotton wool (position = ane) edges

Position = 10 Q 0.01 ( X ) Q 0.99 ( X Q 0.01 ( Ten ) )


where Q n is the quantile function.

Offset and final percentiles were used instead of minimum and maximum to avert the possible issue of spurious artifactual detections beyond concrete limits of the tube.

Slumber versus life-span regression

The linear regression to predict life span from the amount of sleep (Fig. 4D) had the course

Life span = Sleep × Sex


To remove the aberrant data that precede immediately the decease of flies, we measured sleep amount (sleep) as the average proportion of time asleep over the offset 10 days for untreated animals that lived at to the lowest degree twenty days. Right-censored animals (east.yard., that were accidentally lost) were excluded from this assay.

Dendrograms and hierarchical clustering

The dendrograms in Fig. 3D and fig. S2A are the result of a hierarchical clustering using the UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetics mean) method (61). During an interval of time, the proportion of time spent past an animal in a behavioral state tin can exist formulated every bit an empirical discrete probability density function. In this context, the altitude between each pair of creature was computed using the boilerplate of Bhattacharyya distances (62) over the entire day

D ( p , q ) = t T BD t ( p t , q t ) | T |


BD t ( p t , q t ) = ln ( BC ( p t , q t ) )


BC ( p t , q t ) = x 10 p t ( x ) q t ( x )


where BD t is the Bhattacharyya distance at a time interval t; T is the set of all tested time intervals: T = {[0, 0.25), [0.25, 0.v), …, [23.75, 24)} hours; BC t is the Bhattacharyya coefficient at a time interval t; p and q are the observed distributions of behavior for two different individuals; and X is the set up of discrete behaviors: X = {quiescent, micromovements, walking}.


Unless otherwise stated, the shaded areas effectually the hateful (e.grand., Fig. 3, A and B) and the error bars (e.g., Fig. 5, B to D and F to H) are 95% CI computed using basic bootstrap resampling (63) with north = 1000. Median life-span CIs were estimated accounting for censored information (64).


The lines in Figs. 1C and 2B are linear regression, and the shaded areas are 95% parametric CIs.

Survival curves

Figure four (B and C) shows Kaplan-Meier curves, and the shaded areas stand for 95% CIs.


All data analyses were performed in R using the rethomics framework (65). Figures were drawn using ggplot2 (66), and ternary representations in Figs. 2E and 3C were generated with ggtern (67).

Supplementary Material


We thank all members of the Gilestro laboratory for endless discussions and invaluable intellectual contributions. Nosotros thank the two anonymous reviewers and the many colleagues who gave feedback on the preprint version of the manuscript for their constructive comments. Nosotros thank D. Gaboriau and the team at Film (Imperial College London) for help and communication with the confocal imaging. Funding: East.J.B. was supported past EMBO ALTF 57–2014 and by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of European Union's Eighth Framework Programme H2020 under REA grant agreement 705930. Q.G. was supported by a BBSRC DTP scholarship BB/J014575/1 and by a Gas Safety Trust award. Author contributions: E.J.B. and Q.Chiliad. performed the experiments, and all authors analyzed the data and contributed to the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional information related to this newspaper may be requested from the authors.


Supplementary material for this commodity is available at

Fig. S1. Representative tracings of the behavioral activity over the course of 48 hours equally recorded in real time by ethoscopes for all 881 female flies shown in Fig. 1A.

Fig. S2. Sorted hierarchical cluster analysis based on pairwise distance, as supplement to Fig. 3.

Fig. S3. Decrease in locomotion activity in sleep-deprived flies over time, a possible sign of physical fatigue.

Fig. S4. Circadian rhythm, and non homeostatic bulldoze, is the major contributor to slumber pressure during long-term slumber deprivation.

Movie S1. Visual representation of the distribution of behavioral features across 24 hours in the dataset shown in Figs. 1 (A and B) and 2.


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